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For its first project, Alia Vitae has chosen to pay homage to French designer André Cazenave, who died 20 years ago. Essentially known for his light sculptures, produced by Atelier A in the 1970s, the career of this designer remains little known, yet his work was particularly innovative, decompartmentalizing art and design. His scenographic lights, hand-made, aimed to re-establish the link between Man and nature. Intrigued by his enigmatic creations, as much in their heritage as in their aesthetic power, Alia Vitae now seeks to pay tribute to the memory and work of André Cazenave.

The Dora Lamp 

If there is one piece alone that represents all the avant-gardism and poetry of the work of André Cazenave, it is without doubt the Dora lamp. Its pebble form and singular texture make a lamp that is both functional and sculptural, which takes on its full form when illuminated. It is produced in three sizes, which can thereby be accumulated to create a phantasmic decor.

The technology of the lamp needed to be completely reinvented. A challenge for Alia Vitae, who after multiple experiments entrusted its fabrication to a workshop in Montreuil, to the east of Paris. The Dora lamp is composed of a fiberglass structure coated with marble and quartz powder. This delicate assembly gives a textured effect close to that of stone, with a very gentle light. The bamboo used for the base comes from recyclable and sustainable production. Each piece is unique and represents five hours of work by the artisan.

The intention is to pay tribute to André Cazenave’s initial model, to restore it while proposing new uses. The Dora lamps will thereby also be produced in an outdoor model.

Detailed research on the materials for the Dora lamp incited Alia Vitæ toinvite architect and designer Sophie Dries to look at it as well. In parallel, sheoffers her own vision of this surprising material with a stool combining thenatural irregularity of the rock and the radical effect of man’s work. The Petracollection is deeply respectful of the environment by using green materialsand preferring raw materials sourced in France.

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